ų ȭ , 1̶ ª ð մϴ. ӵ ϰ, ִ ɷ ⸦ ִ ߿ Դϴ. ϴ ӵ ͼϰ ִٸ, װ ȿ н Դϴ.
鼭 ϰ ڽ ǥ ִ ̶, ؿ 뿪 ǵ õ ʿ䰡 ϴ. д ӵ , Ȯ , ̳ ȸȭ ڽ ٸ, ؿ 뿪 մϴ.
簡 ϴ ι ϰ ϰڽϴ. , б, , ϱ, ⸦ 4 ʿ䰡 ϴ. ϱ(б, ) ǥϱ(ϱ, ) ϱ⸸ ϸ DZ Դϴ. Ϸ, ط а ϴ Ǿ մϴ. ε ϴ ӵ а ִٸ, ſ ̷οϴ.
ְ Ǹ, ط ؼ ڸ ٲٴ մϴ. ̰ 뿪 ̶ θϴ. κ нڵ ҿ ϴ ϱ , 뿪 Ͽ ǥϴ մϴ. ̷ 뿪 а ϰ, մϴ. 뿪 õغ ̶, ȿ Դϴ.
뿪 õѴٸ, ϱ ģ ΰ ȭϴ ſϴ. 뿪 âϰ ִ ̶, ڸ ÿ ٲ ֱ Դϴ.
ؿ 뿪
б ̵
Part I. ߽
1. 繫 缱ǰ
2. Ƽ ȸ
3. 谳߿ ȸ (Forum on Aid Effectiveness)
4. λ
5. ȷŸΰ
6. ȭ Ȱ(Peacekeeping)
7. ̱ (Relationship between the United States and the United Nations)
8. ٹ (A World Free of Nuclear Weapons)
9. â Ͽ
Part II. ߽
10. (Sanitation)
11. (HIV & AIDS)
12. Ƶ ǰ(Women's and Children's Health)
13. ü (Chernobyl Nuclear accident)
14. Ƶ Ȱ(Children's Rehabilitation)
15. (Malaria)
16. Ƶ (Crime against Children)
17. (Chronic Disease)
18. ο ÷翣 ̷(a new influenza virus)
19. ķȺ
20. (Autism)
21. 길 (Distracted Driving)
22. ҿ Ⱥ(Disarmament and World Security)
23. ǹ (the bombing of UN Premises)
24. Ⱥ (Crisis Management and Security)
25. (Victims of Terrorism)
26. ȭ (Climate Change)
27. (starvation)
Part I ߽
Part ll ߽