¡̶ ڰ踦 ؿ ߱ ִٰ ȣ νϰ 籹 ߱ϰ õϸ鼭 踦 ǹѴ. ϴ ҷ , , ϴ Ʈ õ ִµ, ܰ 籹 , ϡ 3, Ͼ ãư ܰ迡 ߴٰ ִ. å б þƿҰ 籹 Ͽ Բ ѡ谡 DZ å þ ȸ Ͼ Ⱥ - ¿ ִ.
Part I Ͼƽþ Ⱥ
Ӹ _ 5
ѱ _ 13
þ _ 17
1. Ͼƽþ : Ⱥ _ 21
2. ̻ ϰ ȭ _ 25
3. ŷ: Ⱥ _ 30
4. Ͼƽþ ڰ Ʈũ _ 32
5. _ 49
ڼҰ _ 54
Part I Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia
Foreword from IREEES, SNU _ 59
Foreword from RIAC _ 64
1. Northeast Asia: Security Threats and Challenges _ 69
2. The North Korean Nuclear and Missile Program and
Inter-Korean Normalization _ 74
3. Trust: the Basis of Security _ 80
4. Forming a Network of Regional Partnerships in Northeast Asia _ 83
5. Conclusions and Recommendations _ 102
About the Authors _ 108
Part II ѱ þ ڰ衯
1. ѡ 25 _ 113
2. Ͼƿ þƿ ѱ _ 127
3. ѡ _ 147
4. 뷯 ܱ õ _ 159
5. å _ 188
Part II The Strategic Cooperation between Republic of Korea and Russia
1. Twenty-Five Years of South Korean-Russian Relations:
Critical Evaluations and Lessons _ 201
2. Russia and South Korea in Northeast Asia _ 218
3. South Korean-Russian Strategic Cooperation and its Direction _ 243
4. Plan for South Korean Diplomacy toward Russia _ 259
5. Policy Recommendation _ 295