а ̱ ȭ 鿡 н ǥ Ѵ. ̶ ϸ 켱 ϰ ƴٴ ϱ . б ؼ ڷ ̹ ذ Ǿ ϰ, ô뿡 پϰ Ǿ ̷п ü ľϰ ־ Ѵ. ǰ 뿡 İ ǰ , ߵ иϰ еǴ ƴϴ. ̶ ǰ ùٸ ظ ǥ ϴ ̹Ƿ ǰ ᱹ ȣ ۿ . п ̶ ᱹ ΰ? Ȥ ִ°? ؿ Ǿ , ǰ Ѱ ư ٴ ʿ䵵 ̴. ̷ 翡 , ɿ а ֺ й , ǰ ̸ ϰ ִ. ƿ ôε 16 Sir Philip Sidney Terry Eagleton ̸ ̱ ֿ ۰, ν ̹п ν ȭǾ Դ 캼 ֵ ߴ. Ÿ , 罺, 빮 ظ ֵ پϰ ߴ.
1 ٴ ̺
1 An Apology for Poetry _ Sir Philip Sidney
2 Preface to Shakespeare _ Samuel Johnson
3 Biographia Literaria _ S. T. Coleridge
4 Review of Twice-Told Tales _ E. A. Poe
5 Hawthorne and His Mosses _ Herman Melville
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6 Why the Novel Matters _ D. H. Lawrence
7 What Does Poetry Communicate? _ Cleanth Brooks
8 The Mirror and the Lamp _ M. H. Abrams
9 The Literature of Exhaustion _ John Barth
10 Literary Theory: An Introduction _ Terry Eagleton
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11 On Fairy-Stories _ J. R. R. Tolkien
12 Classic Blues _ LeRoi Jones
13 Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other _ Sherry Turkle
14 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order _ Samuel P. Huntington