̱ó Ѵ
ȸȭ . ǥ ̱ó ϵ ȳѴ. ⺻ ¤ , λ, ȭ, ֹ, , پ ´ ȸȭ ǥ ˷ش. ⺻ Ϻ Ʈ Ȱ ߰, ȸȭǥ ٿ. Ȩ MP3, MP3, ŷ MP3, ܾ Ʈ, ܾ , Ʈ ٰ н ֵ ´.
'ȸȭ, 365 ܾ 峻' *Ŭ*
ѹα ĮϽƮ̴. Ƣ , ǿ뼺 150% Spoken English нڵ ̿ Լҹ Ʈ . Ÿ 米 The University of Iowa(̿ б) Ź ̱ ģ ζϴ Ʈũ ִ н ̴.
1968 ѹα ¾ ̱ The University of Iowa(̿ б) ̱ε Ѵٴ Ź л ߴ. ̽౸ ϴ ŭ ̽ ౸ó 쵹 ϸ, λ ijġ "Ӱ â "̴. ̿ ° ѱŹ Ͻ Į, Ϻ ȸȭ ڳ⡵ ȸȭ Į ϰ ۿ ѱϺ, ϰ ٸ Į Ͽ Ͼ ߴ. п ̹ϱ ؼ ߱ ľ Ѵٸ ߱ ̿ . ѱ 鼱 п(Cooking & Acting Kids English), ߱ (Tang Bao Manto) п(Sponge English) ϸ鼭, Zη°߿, û 30 н ߴ. п ġ Ŀ´̼ Ǹ õȰ д, ε 丮 ν´(www.hindustani.co.kr) 濵ϸ ٸ λ ִ.
غ å̳ б ü ָ ̷ 90 Ĺ ̱ ̵ ϴ å . ̳ ֺٴ Ȱ , ⺻ Ǵ () ߽ Ѵ.
δ ƴٰ ư !, ȸȭ, 365ܾ ̱⡻, ̱ 20밡 BOX, ȸȭ ٽ 233, ڰ渲 ⡻, å ̱ڡ , Ÿ ȸȭ ǥ 500 ŷ϶鼱 ѹ 0.1 ŷ ִ. (ܿ),ȸȭ 365ܾ ̱⡻, ڰ渲 ⡻(븸) ߱ Ⱓϱ ߴ.
1 | ȸȭ 峻 ⺻
Step 01 ⺻ 40 ȸȭ 峻
Ask Bring Call Carry Catch Check Close Come Cut Eat Feel Get Give Go Have Help Hold Keep Let Look Make Open Pass Pay Pick Play Pull Put Send Set Speak Stand Start Take Talk Think Turn Want Work Write Please
Step 02 ʼ 50 ȸȭ 峻
Please ~ּ.
I think ( ) ~ .
I mean ( ) ~ ž.
Im sure ~ Ŷ Ȯ.
Im sorry ~ؼ ̾.
Do you think? ~ ?
Lets ~.
Do you want to? ~ҷ? / ~ϰ ʹ?
How do you? ~ ϴ ž?
I dont want to ~ϰ ʾ.
Would you like to? ~Ͻðھ?
Have you (ever)? ~ ־?
Im going to ~ ̾.
I like ~ . / ~ .
I need to ~ؾ .
Can I? ~ ٱ?
Can I have? ~ ٷ? / ~ ٷ?
Dont forget to ~ϴ . / ~ .
Are you going to? ~ ž? / ~ ̾?
I have to ~ؾ .
Where do you? ~?
Are you? ~̴?
Could you? ~ҷ? / ~ ּ.
I feel (like) ~ .
Thank you for ~ؼ մϴ.
Who likes? ~?
I used to ~ϰ ߾.
Whos going to? ~ ž?
It looks like ~ ó .
I told you to ʴ ~϶ ݾ.
How about? ~ϴ ?
Why dont you? ~ϴ ?
Im trying to ~Ϸ ϴ ̾.
Its time to ~ ð̾.
When do you plan to? ~ ž?
I just wanted to ׳ ~ϰ ;.
Im thinking ~ұ ̾.
Do you want me to? ~ұ?
I should have ~߾ ߴµ.
Is there anyone who? ~ϴ ־?
Is it okay if? ~ص ɱ?
Have you ever? ~ ִ?
I was wondering if ~ϴ ?
Is it possible? ~ϴ ? / ~ص ſ?
Would you mind if? ~ص ɱ?
How come? ~ϴ?
What makes you? ~ Ŵ?
I cant believe ~ .
You dont have to ~ ʾƵ .
What if? ~ϸ ¼?
2 | ȸȭ 峻 ȸȭ
Unit 01 λ ǥ
How are you doing? ?
Hows it going? ?
Whats up? ̾? / ?
How have you been? ¾?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Feeling
Long time, no see. ̾.
I havent seen you in years. ̾.
Is that you? ¾?
I never thought Id see you here. ⼭ ٴ!
Great. !
Just fine. .
Not bad. ׳ .
Could be better. .
Not so good. ° .
Lousy. ¾.
Do I know you? Ƽ?
Havent we met before? 츮 ʾƿ?
This is my friend, Jason. ģ ̽̾.
Janet, do you know Jason? , ̽ ˾?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Weather & Season
Ive heard so much about you. .
Janet has told me all about you. ߾.
Im glad to meet you. ݰ.
Its nice to see you again. ٽ ݰ.
I didnt catch your name. ̸ Ծ.
Your name again? ̸ ?
Bye. ȳ.
See you later. .
Take care. .
Catch you later. .
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Colors
Lets keep in touch. ϸ鼭 .
Dont forget to call. ȭ.
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 02 Ƽ ġ ִ ϻȸȭ ǥ
Excuse me! ø, Ƿմϴ.
Got a minute? ð ־?
Can I talk to you? ұ?
Listen! !
Listen up! !
Hey, listen to me. !
As you know ʵ ˴ٽ,
As you may already know ̹ ˰ ̾,
Do you speak English? Ƽ?
Can you speak English? ˾ƿ?
Whats wrong? ̾?
Whats the matter? ̾?
Whats the problem? ̾?
Im sorry? ? / ?
Excuse me? ?
What was that? ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Living room Ž
Really? ?
No kidding! ̾?
Are you serious? ̾?
What are you talking about? ü ϴ ž?
What do you mean? ڴµ.
Whats your point? Ϸ ?
Hey, are you listening? , ־?
Hello? ?
Are you there? ־?
Do you understand? ˾Ƶ?
Do you know what I mean? ˰ھ?
Get it? ˾Ƶ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Bedroom ħ
Oh, look at the time. ð ̷ Ǿ.
I really have to go. ߰ھ.
Oh, I gotta go now. , .
Gimme a break. ƴ ƾ.
Bullshit! Ǵ Ҹ.
You cant fool me! 峭ġ!
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Hobbies
Thats right. .
Uh-huh. .
I dont know. ھ.
I have no idea. ھ.
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 03 ʿ Ƽ ȸȭ
No onions, please. Ĵ ּ.
Can I get a cheeseburger and a large Coke? ġŶ ݶ ū ּ.
I need some straws and napkins. Ų ּ.
Would you like to go out for dinner with me? Ƿ?
Do you want to have dinner with me? ?
Id like to make a dinner reservation. Ļ縦 ϰ ͽϴ.
Id like to make a reservation,
please. Ϸ.
Id like to reserve a table for tonight. Ļ Ϸ.
How long is the wait tonight? ٷ ϳ?
Can you put my name on the list? ̸ ܿ ÷ ֽðھ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Pizza
When can we get a table? ڸ ?
Coffee, please. Ŀ ּ.
Could we have a booth? ĭ ڸ ֳ?
Could we have a table by the window? â ֽðھ?
Can you refill this? ̰ ?
More coffee, please. Ŀ ּ.
Id like some decaf. ī ĿǷ ּ.
Just Coke is fine. ׳ ݶ ſ.
This isnt what I ordered. ̰ ֹ ƴѵ.
Whats this? ̰ ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Food
What would you recommend? õ ֽðھ?
Do you have any veggie plates? ä Ĵ ֳ?
Ill have this, please. ̰ɷ ּ.
I havent decided yet. ߾.
Well done, please. ٽ ּ.
Id like my steak medium-well,
please. ߰ ణ ּ.
Make sure my steak is well done. ũ ٽ ּž ſ.
Could I have A-1 sauce?
A-1 ҽ ֽðھ?
Can I get another fork? ũ ٽ ֽǷ?
That tastes terrible. .
Box, please. ּ.
Check, please. ҰԿ.
Whatve you got? ?
Give me a Miller. з ϳ ּ.
Ill take a bottle. ַ ּ.
Lets make a toast! Ͽ! / ǹսô!
Cheers! ǹ!
Bottoms up! !
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Restaurant Ĵ
I have to go to the restroom. ȭ .
I feel like throwing up. .
Is it strong? ϳ?
Ill try some. ݸ .
Ive had enough already. ̹ Ծ.
Let me get this. ž.
Lets split the bill. .
Next time, Ill pay. .
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 04 ̱ ϱ
Where is the milk? ?
What are your hours? ð ?
Im looking for some jeans. û ּ.
Can I try this on? ̰ ѹ Ծ ɱ?
Can I see some silk ties? ũ Ÿ ּ.
Where are the fitting rooms? Żǽ ?
Do you have this in a larger size? ̰ ū ־?
Do you have this in black? ̰ɷ ־?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Shopping Mall θ
What color do you have? ?
Its too tight. ʹ .
Its too loose. ʹ 混ؿ.
Can I get a bigger one? ū ٷ?
Im just looking. ׳ ѷ ־.
Im just browsing. ѷ.
Are you running a sale right now? ϰ ֳ?
I think its too expensive. ʹ .
Its a little pricey. δ.
Do you have anything cheaper? ־?
Ill take this. ̰ɷ ϰھ.
I think Ill buy two. .
I like this one. ̰ .
How much is it all together? ؼ ?
Do you take Visa? ī ?
Ill pay in cash. ҰԿ.
That looks great on you. ︮µ.
I like it. .
I think its awesome. .
Can I get this gift-wrapped? ּ.
Can you come down a little? ּ.
Ive maxed out my Visa. ī ѵ á.
Do you have these shoes in a size 10? 10¥ ־?
Does this stereo come with a warranty? Ⱓ ֳ?
Here are my coupons. ־.
Two for King Kong. ŷᡵ ּ.
How long is the movie? ȭ ð¥?
Dont cut in line. ġ .
Is this seat taken? ڸ ־?
Mind if I join you? ռص ɱ?
Im holding it for a friend. ģ þ ſ.
I need to get this developed. ̰ ּ.
When can I pick up my film? ʸ ã ?
These prints came out well. Գ.
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 05 ȥڼ ڽ ִ ߱ &
Excuse me, wheres the bus stop? Ƿ, ?
Is this bus to Main Street? ƮƮ ?
Does this bus go to the mall? θ ?
Do you know how to get to Central Station? ߾ӿ Ƽ?
How much is the fare? ?
How long until we reach Main
Street? ƮƮ ɸ?
What stop is next? ?
Where is Grand Avenue? ֺ ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Public Transportation ߱
Where should I get off for 32nd Street? 32 ϳ?
I missed my stop. ƾ.
Are you getting off? ǰ?
Could you let me know when to get off? ˷ ֽǷ?
Airport, please. ּ.
How much will it cost? ?
Im kind of late, please hurry. ʾ µ ѷ ּ.
Could you send a cab to the Hilton Hotel? ư ȣڷ ý ּ.
Please drive safely. ּ.
Could you turn that heat up? ÷ ֽðھ?
Drop me off right here. ⼭ ּ.
Pull over here. ּ.
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Airport
Please wait here. ⼭ ٷ ּ.
Would you check my tires? Ÿ̾ ּ.
Could you check the oil? ּ.
Would you check the battery? ּ.
Can I park here? ص dz?
Would you mind backing up, please? ڷ ֽðھ?
I have a flat tire. ũ .
Im locked out of my car. 踦 ΰ Ⱦ.
I need a jump. ؾ߰ھ.
I need a tow. Ϸ.
I need a ticket to San Francisco. ý Ƽ ּ.
Id like to book a flight. װ ϰ ͽϴ.
How much is coach? Ϲݼ ?
Id like to confirm my ticket. װ Ϸ.
I need to cancel my flight. װ ϰ ;.
I need to reschedule my flight. ٲٷ.
Can I get an aisle seat? ¼ ּ.
Wheres the e-ticket machine? ڵ ߱DZ ?
My luggage is missing. .
I missed my flight. ⸦ ƾ.
Im here to rent a car. ī .
Do you have any convertibles? ī ֳ?
Can I reserve a car for tomorrow? ?
Do you have any smaller cars? ̰ͺ ֳ?
How much is it for a midsize car? ?
Id like the unlimited miles. Ƽ Ϸ ϰھ.
I need a room. ּ.
Is it possible to stay another night? Ϸ ?
Ill stay just overnight. 1̸ ˴ϴ.
I need a wake-up call at six tomorrow. ħ 6 Źմϴ.
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Hotel ȣ
Is there Internet access here? ͳ dz?
I have some laundry. ־.(Ź ּ.)
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 06 Ȱ 10 ȸȭ ǥ
Were very close. 츮 ģ.
Hows work? Ǿ ?
Were best friends. 츮 ģ.
Im tired of working overtime.
ð ʰ ٹ ߴ ǰ.
Ill be working late tonight.
ʰԱ ؾ .
Whats your point? Ͻô ?
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Jobs
Im sorry. I dont get it. ˼, ذ dz.
Come again? ?
Do I make myself clear? ƽðھ?
Do you understand me? صǼ?
Are we clear on this? ؼ ǰ?
I know what Im doing. ˾Ƽ Ѵٴϱ.
Leave me alone. μ.
Mind your own business. ̳ Ű .
Dont work too hard. ʹ .
Quit complaining. .
I have too much work. ʹ Ҿ.
Ill be okay. ž.
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Office 繫
The plan is foolproof. ȹ ̹ .
Dont worry. .
Wait your turn. ʸ ٸ.
I dont like being interrupted. عް ʾ.
Please, be quiet. ּ.
Can I ask you a favor? Ź ϳ ص ?
Would you do me a favor? Ź ϳ ٷ?
Could you do something for me? Ź ٷ?
I appreciate it. .
You helped me a lot. ū ƾ.
Thanks for all your help. ּż մϴ.
I think hes right. ´ .
I think Mr. Leighs idea is better. .
Mr. Smiths idea may be more realistic. ̽ .
Im sick so I cant go to work. ļ ϰھ.
May I take today off? ް ?
I wont be coming into work today. Ϸ .
I havent been feeling well lately. .
I dont know whats wrong with me. ̷.
I think I might be depressed. .
I cant work with him. ϰھ.
Hes difficult to work with. ״ ϱ ̿.
Whats wrong with him? ü ?
This is too much work. ʹ ϴ.
The work is too hard. ʹ ϴ.
I hate all this work. ϵ Ⱦ.
Nice clothes! ε!
You look gorgeous. !
Nice work! ߾!
You did a good job. ߴ.
Good work! ߴµ!
Cheer up. .
Dont worry too much about it.
ʹ .
Things will get better. .
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_Money
Do you mind if I take a break? ɱ?
I need a coffee break. Ŀ ø鼭 ߰ھ.
Where are you going for lunch? ž?
Want to hang out after work? ?
Lets get a beer later today. ̵ .
Want to do something after work? ϰ ұ?
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 07 ϴ ȭ ǥ
Is John there? ־?
Can I talk to John? ȭ ?
May I speak with John, please? ٲ ֽðھ?
Wrong number. ߸ ż̾.
We dont have anyone by that
name. µ.
Who is this? Ƿ ?
Whos calling? ?
May I ask whos calling? Ƿ ȭŽ ?
Who do you want to talk to? ٲ 帱?
Who are you looking for? ã?
Who would you like to speak with? ٲ 帱?
Could you tell him Seon called? ȭߴٰ ּ.
Just tell him Seon called. ȭߴٰ ּ.
Could you tell him to call me back? ȭ ŹѴٰ ֽðھ?
Hold on, please. .
One moment, please. .
Can you call back later? ߿ ٽ ȭ ֽǷ?
The extension number is 400. ȣ 400Դϴ.
This is Seon. Դϴ.
Sorry for the wait. ٸ ؼ ˼ؿ.
Hes not here. ڸ ŵ.
Hes not in right now. ڸ 輼.
Ƽ 365 ܾ BOX_The Body
Hes on a business trip. ε.
When will he be back? ƿ?
Do you know where he is? Ƽ?
Do you have any idea when hell be back? ƿ Ƽ?
Im sorry to call you so late. ʰ ȭ ˼մϴ.
Did I wake you up? Ŵ?
Its urgent. ̶.
Is this 342-1342? ű 342-1342 ƴѰ?
I think I have the wrong number. ߸ ɾ .
What number did you call? ż̾?
Hes on the other line. ȭ ε.
Hes out to lunch. .
Hes at the meeting now. ȸ ̼.
Call me back at this number. ȣ ٽ ȭ ּ.
What time is good for you? ð ?
When would be a good time? ?
Ill tell him to call you back. ȭ϶ ҰԿ.
I will call back later. ߿ ٽ ȭҰ.
Ill get back to you. ٽ ȭҰԿ.
Whats his cell phone number? ȣ ?
Call me at 333-3543. 333-3543 ȭϼ.
Do you have a message? ðھ?
Are you still there? ־?
Sorry, Ive got to go. ̾ѵ, ̸ .
Ill talk to you later. ߿ Ұ.
I have to get back to work. ٽ ؾ .
Cool English
Talk English
Unit 08 ѵ ܾ Ƽ ¯ ߱
So what? ?
What? ?
Relax. Ǯ.
No way. !
Forget it. ƾ.
Got that? ˾Ҿ?
Deal. ƾ.
Like what? ?
Guess what? ݾ?
How come? °?
Just checking. ׳ ž.
Its up to you. װ .
Youre kidding. ϴ ?
I dont care. .
Never mind. Ƴ, ƾ.
No doubt. 翬.
Sounds fun! !
That depends. .
Give me a break! Ǵ Ҹ!
Whatever. .
Exactly. ٷ װž.
Thats enough. ص!
Kind of. .
Fraid so. Ե.
Thats it! ص!
Come on. Ź̾.
You see? ź, ?
Says who? ?
Get real. .
Drop it. .
Grow up! ö !
Suit yourself. .
Piss off! !
Nothing. ƹ͵.
Go ahead. .
Good point. .
Lets see. ۽.
Makes sense. dz.
It happens. .
Terrible! ̾!
So? ?
What else? ٸ ?
Nothing much. .
After you. .
Think twice. ٽ ѹ .
What for? ?
It takes time. ð ɸ.
Cant complain. .
Fair enough. װŸ Ҹ .
Since when? ݽʹε?
You bet. .
Cool English
Talk English